Born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I am an illustrator, animator and experimental artist. I earned my BFA from the University of Wisconsin, Stout in 2016.
I started doing T-shirt designs and greeting cards for Gibson & Carothers at the wee age of 15. Since then I have navigated my career like a dog on a walk, stopping to smell the flowers at each little bed. Future projects I am looking forward to being a part of - music videos, kids tv, unique advertising, feature films, and big cartoon holograms in our flying car future. I am currently located in Minneapolis, and work remotely from my home office.
If you're wondering what my availability is, drop me a line below and the message will go right to my inbox; I'll be in touch with you shortly.
Clients include: 3M, Adobe, American Public Media, Blue Cross Blue Shield, CaringBridge, Echo Bridge Productions, Facebook, Fresh Tape Media, Gibson & Carothers, Guild Education, Haberman, I Puke Rainbows Creative, Knock, Mighteor, Minna, Nebula, Neighbor, Netflix, Soona, Star Tribune, Target